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As a government agency, public trust is of the utmost importance to the Transportation Corridor Agencies (TCA). Our staff works every day to maintain transparency and accountability.

We provide information about our Agencies consistently and concisely via these webpages including the benefits we offer; how jobs are classified; and Board Member and executive team compensation.

TCA also reports salary and benefits information annually to the California State Controller's Office (SCO). View the latest reporting (Opens in a new window).

Investor and financial information

Public meeting and agenda information

The Ordinance of the Board of Directors of the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency (PDF) Relating to the Administration of Tolls and the Enforcement of Toll Violations for the Foothill and Eastern Transportation Corridors.

The Ordinance of the Board of Directors of the San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor Agency (PDF) Relating to the Administration of Tolls and the Enforcement of Toll Violations for the San Joaquin Hills Transportation corridor.